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The Spanish Gentleman Juggler


Mr Vita presents a highly skilled gentleman juggler comedy show for all ages.

Mr Vita performs finely crafted juggling routines, mixing classical and experimental
juggling. Bringing to life everyday objects such as fishing poles, drinking glasses and
kebab sticks alongside invented props and gymnastic balls, in routines that guarantee to
surprise and entertain all age groups.

With the air of a punkish matador, this eccentric and playful character looks like he could
have walked straight out of a cartoon and onto the stage. Rather, he invites the audience
into his zany cartoon world, communicating with his expressive rubber skin, physical
comedy and sounds.

Mr Vita has his own unique style of audience participation and invites his audience’s to
be highly interactive throughout the show as he expertly mixes together circus, clowning
and gags.

The show culminates with a traditional style grand finale that sees Mr Vita balanced high
above the ground on a rola bola while juggling and spinning a frisbee on his head.

The show can be tailored to meet the needs of the client and can be performed in
versions from 10-45 min.

Australia/Spain -- -- +34 628231894

comedy - circus - physical - street - theatre - cabaret

comedia - circo - teatro - físico - calle - cabaret

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